Rulenka Argard
Rulenka Argard
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Biographical Information | |
Home | Sorrow's Heart, Duchy of Orendras, Realm of Obrith |
Born |
7 Fall Merriday 1173 GC (turns 26 in 1199 GC) |
Died |
- |
Aliases |
Rula, The Green-Seer, the High Maid |
House | House Argard |
Physical Description | |
Species | Human |
Gender | Female |
Height |
5'7" |
Hair Color |
Red |
Eye Color |
One amber, one green |
Skin Color |
Fair |
Family Information | |
Parents |
HL Jarl Rykos Argard (father)
HL Jarla Josseline d'Laurent (mother)
Siblings/Etc |
Annanka Argard OSD (sister)
Lyneska Argard OV (sister)
HL Myka Argard (cousin)
Spouse |
None |
Children |
None |
Chronological and Political Information | |
Affiliations | |
High Lord of the Morrowood and Duke of Orendras | |
Status |
Incumbent |
Assumed Office |
1189 GC |
Preceded By | Rykos Argard |
Rulenka Argard, known as Rulenka Magna to the people of Obrith, is the Duchess of Orendras, the second-largest duchy in Obrith and the seat of Orendon, once Auld Oathkeep. She is the third daughter of Jarl Rykos Argard, former Duke of Orendras, succeeding him when she came of age in 1189 GC (her elder sister Lynaska having abdicated in favor of joining the Ordo Valentia).
As third daughter of the Jarl, Rulenka was not raised with the expectation of succeeding him. However, he did without male heir, and his eldest daughter Annanka Argard was taken by the Sisterhood of St. Devorah due to her sudden manifestation of the Gift of True Flame, directly responsible for the Jarl's death. When Lyneska Argard was frocked of the Ordo Valentia in 1185, Rulenka became heir apparent under the regency of her mother Josseline d'Laurent. At the age of 15, Rulenka became the High Lord of the Morrowood and Duchess of Orendras in her own right.
For ten years, Rulenka has served well, albeit without particular distinction. Traditionally, the Duke of Orendras has been seen as a de-facto leader amongst the duchies of Obrith, though for longer than Rulenka's lifetime, that tradition has yielded to the more modern habit of considering the Duke of Menendras foremost. Recently (1199 GC), Gjor Mennos, Duke of Menendras, passed away, and all eyes have turned to Rulenka Magna for leadership, even amidst the realm's many troubles.
Historically, Orendras, seat of Orendon (and once Auld Oathkeep) has been a particularly peaceful realm, content to collect tariffs for trade along the Road to the Dawn and the rivers Burinflow and Amandine which serve Orendon. In the Auld Empire, Oathkeep was not technically part of House Argard's domain, nor even part of the Kingdom of the Sword in truth, but it nevertheless served as a second home to the house, who has often served as Hand of the King (formalized and ritualized in modern times). Since the Kurnish Invasion, the castle of Oakenhall in Orendon has served as House Argard's winter seat, and so the Duke of Orendras is often seen as the de facto political head of the city, though in truth he holds no such title or honor. Rulenka has served in this regard for years.
Since the Glorious Rebellion began in 1192 GC, Rulenka's problems have mounted. Her status as first-among-equals might be disputed, but none dispute that she is closer to the Church of the One and the Supreme Potentate than any of the other lords of Obrith or the Crownlands. Lacking a true King, the high lords to Rulenka to liase on their behalf with the Church, who controls the lion's share of administrative duties in the realm, if not military power.
As such, Rulenka is tasked as emissary to the Church on behalf of the realm, lacking any titular power to negotiate on their behalf, nor any access rich coffers the Church collects from Orendon. Further, tradition dictates that she levy relatively few men-at-arms for her realm's size, deferring to the Church the right to arm itself care of the Order of St. Arja, and so she is left with a comparatively small army, with which she is bound by tradition and oath to protect Orendon and the Church's lands, sparing hardly any force with which to defend her own lands or lend to the aid of others, all of whom expect it.
In short, Rulenka bears the political and miltary responsibilities of a King, and next to none of the power or privileges. She rules in a land dominated by Ascadian culture, which holds that women ought not rule over men, nor even take up matters beyond child-rearing, lacking the wits for such. And yet, somewhere beneath her finely-accoutred exterior beats the heart of a High Lord, a true warrior of the Crownlands, willing to face hopeless odds in battle against an army of bureaucrats and a sea of entrenched misogyny, in the hopes of winning the hearts of her lords and citizens. This last task she considers crucial, as she is well aware of the threats posed to her realm, both those known, and many unknown, whose visions are granted to her by supernatural sight.
Some speak in whispers of the "Green-Seer", invoking the name as if it were an epithet. In truth, Rulenka was born with eyes of two colors, and it was no accident; she possesses a minor talent to perceive the spiritual memory of the elven people who once guarded her lands, and through that sight, she has gained much insight into the past, and into her realm's future...a darker future than most would believe if she told it. She alone must face the reality of that future, even as courtiers, bureaucrats, and clergymen assail her on every front to snip at her power, her wealth, and the good will her ancestors earned her house.
Honors and Titles
- Duke of Orendras: By the will of God, as expressed by His emissary on this earth, Supreme Potentate Vaclavus VI, Duchess of Orendras, guardian of its peoples and lands, and rightful lord of all therein, in the name of the King of the Sword.
- Rights: fealty of all folk therein (save the clergy).
- Responsibilities: defending the lands, its folk, and the clergy.
- High Lord of the Morrowood: By decree of the King of the Sword, House Argard and her heirs in perpetuity shall guard and defend the lands heretofor known as the Morrowood, ceded by elves as part of the Peace of the Oath, symbol of everlasting peace and cooperation between the races of Man and Elf.
- Hand of the King: Ordained by God, so sworn to a hundred generations, House Argard as ever-faithful servants shall serve in the name of the King of the Sword, wielding his name and power in his stead.
- This position is largely ceremonial, though in times of old, the Hand of the King would indeed rule with the King's full authority, by his leave, or when he was otherwise indisposed. It was a position of highest honor, often held by House Argard. In the centuries after the fall of the Kingdom of the Sword, the Church of the One ritualized the role as part of an effort to keep the mythos of the Kingdom of the Sword alive. It has been well over half a thousand years since any Hand of the King wielded true power for long, though the ceremonial title still holds some weight from time to time, to better cement the Duke of Orendras' position as first among high lords.
- First Citizen of the Crownlands: By decree of the King of the Sword, with the assent of the people, the First Citizen of the Crownlands, first to speak and last to be heard, symbol of civic virtue and standard of civic duty.
- This ceremonial title is even older than the post of King's Hand, a holdover from the days of King John's compromise with the de-facto political power of the Ascadian Senate. For that august body, the First Citizen was the highest possible non-temporary office they could recognize, itself largely ceremonial. Opportuning upon this bureaucratic detail, King John established multiple First Citizens, each representing the four major regions of the Kingdom of the Sword, effectively ruling with the Senate's power and authority (without need of consent) through the realm, in his name. Long before the fall of Oathkeep, this position was formalized as a de-facto right of House Argard, a right the church cemented after the King's fall. In modern times, it means next to nothing, though it is noteworthy that it extends authority beyond the bounds of Obrith into such lands as Brinn and Valte.
- Lord Protector of Oathkeep: By the grace of God, expressed by the emissary Supreme Potentate Carolus III, Lord Protector of Oathkeep, defender of the Holy Sites, keeper of the Peace of the Oath.
- This position is actually quite important, if mired in centuries of bureaucracy and protocol. The Duke of Orendras must also serve as protector of Orendon (nee Oathkeep), despite having no right to tax its citizens, enact laws affecting them (besides the Thirteen Laws and whatever the Church might decree), nor muster troops in her vicinity. It is this ancient responsibility that binds the hands of the Duke of Orendras to limit her martial forces to a number inferior to those commanded solely by the Church (though no such strict limitation is written in any laws). By an extension of the same rites, the Duke of Orendras funds and maintains the city watch of Orendon--on the plus side, they don't count against her head count, but neither does the city provide coin for their payment.
- Defender of the Faith: this title was awarded by Supreme Potentate Benedictus IV in the 10th century GC, and the house has claimed it ever since. Aslanko Argard succesfully defended the realm--and the Church--against a Kurnish invasion of over a hundred thousand men, and a grateful Potentate bestowed this title upon him.
- Keeper of Sorrow's Heart: when the elves bequeathed the Morrowood to the race of Man, they asked that some among them swear to guard the sacred holds in their stead. Eleka Argard sword to defend the temple grounds that would become Sorrow's Heart, and to this day, her descendants carry the title Keeper of Sorrow's Heart. Said temple being a sacred site to the ancient elves, the title comes with no small responsibility. House Argard defends elven ruins from raiders and thieves, in accordance with the vows of their ancestors.